Improvement District Annual General Meeting Minutes
Approved minutes of the Improvement District AGM are posted newest first. Draft AGM minutes are typically posted within 30 working days after the last meeting. Draft AGM minutes are not official until adopted at the next AGM.
YE 2018 - 55th Annual General Meeting (Complete Package)
The 55th Annual General Meeting of the Mayne Island Improvement District (MIID) was held at the Fire Hall, Mayne Island, on Saturday, April 13th, 2018 commencing at 1:00 PM. Trustee David Maude chaired the meeting.
YE 2017 - 54th Annual General Meeting (Complete Package)
The 54th Annual General Meeting of the Mayne Island Improvement District (MIID) was held at the Fire Hall, Mayne Island, on Saturday, April 21, 2018 commencing at 1:00 PM. Trustee David Maude chaired the meeting.
YE 2016 - 53rd Annual General Meeting (Complete Package)
The 53rd Annual General Meeting of the Mayne Island Improvement District (MIID) was held at the Fire Hall, Mayne Island, on Saturday, April 8, 2017 commencing at 1:00 PM. Trustee Sean Skiffington chaired the meeting.
YE 2015 - 52nd Annual General Meeting (Complete Package)
The 52nd Annual General Meeting of the Mayne Island Improvement District (MIID) was held at the Fire Hall, Mayne Island, on Saturday, April 23rd 2016 commencing at 1:00 PM. Trustee Bob McKinnon chaired the meeting.
YE 2014 - 51th Annual General Meeting (Complete Package)
The 51th Annual General Meeting of the Mayne Island Improvement District (MIID) was
held at the Agricultural Hall, Mayne Island, on Saturday, April 25th, 2015 commencing at
1:00 PM. Trustee Bob McKinnon chaired the meeting.
YE 2013 - 50th Annual General Meeting
The 50th Annual General Meeting of the Mayne Island Improvement District (MIID) was
held at the Agricultural Hall, Mayne Island, on Saturday, April 26th, 2014 commencing at
1:00 PM. Trustee Bob McKinnon chaired the meeting.
YE 2012 - 49th Annual General Meeting
The 49th Annual General Meeting of the Mayne Island Improvement District (MIID) was
held at the Agricultural Hall, Mayne Island, on Saturday, April 20th, 2013 commencing at
1:00 PM. Trustee David Maude chaired the meeting.
YE 2011 - 48th Annual General Meeting
The 48th Annual General Meeting of the Mayne Island Improvement District (MIID) was
held at the Agricultural Hall, Mayne Island, on Saturday, April 28th, 2012 commencing at
1:00 PM. Trustee David Maude chaired the meeting.
YE 2010 - 47th Annual General Meeting
The 48th Annual General Meeting of the Mayne Island Improvement District (MIID) was
held at the Agricultural Hall, Mayne Island, on Saturday, April 16th, 2011 commencing at
1:30 PM. Trustee Jon Hoff chaired the meeting.