Mayne Island Improvement District
What is an Improvement District?
A form of elected “local government” individually set up in the past by the BC Government so that unorganized territories could provide themselves with specific municipal-like services and functions under the Local Government Act.
Now (2006) outmoded because of the creation of Regional Districts throughout the province and which provide all manner of municipal services and functions.
Improvement district trustees are elected by landowners in order to direct the operation and administration of those public services for which the improvement district is responsible. There is an expectation of improvement district trustees that they will make informed, transparent decisions. Many decisions made by Trustees require an understanding of legislation, insurance, property assessment, taxation, meeting procedures, basic water system design, water quality standards, fire protection, labour relations and bylaw enforcement. Learning about these issues is often an ongoing process for improvement district trustees.
To assist Trustees the provincial government has published a "Handbook for Trustees”.
Who We Are
Joey Hartman - elected June 22, 2024, will serve until 2027
Debra Milne - elected June 27, 2022, will serve until 2025
Doug Hill - elected June 27, 2022, will serve until 2025
Brian Dearden - elected June 17, 2023 will serve until 2026
Bob McKinnon - elected June 17, 2023 will serve until 2026
MIID Staff
CAO: Katherine Somerville
Administration Assistant: Janelle Lawson
Fire Chief: Kyle Stobart
Deputy Chief: Eric Walker
MIID Service Responsibilities
Fire Protection
Health Centre & Medical Evacuation Heliport
Garbage Collection & Disposal
Fire Protection Service
Mayne Island Fire Rescue provides a broad range of services to our community - ranging from emergency and non-emergency responses. The Fire Department is often called on to fill the void in many various needs of the community. Services provided include Fire Protection and Suppression, Vehicle Rescue, Medical First Response, Fire Prevention and Education, Inspections - including emergency vehicle access (driveway inspections), Burning Permits, and Addressing and Address Verifications.
Fire Protection for Mayne Island is provided by the Mayne Island Fire/Rescue Service (MIFRS). The MIID Board of Trustees is involved at the governance level with the Fire Department. Property taxes for Fire Protection purposes are billed directly to property owners by the B.C. Surveyor of Taxes based on property valuations set by the B.C. Assessment Authority.
The Department is managed by the full-time Fire Chief, Kyle Stobart. Firefighters are paid for their time spent on call-outs and regular weekly training. This is the general practice for almost all Volunteer Fire Departments within British Columbia. It provides some compensation for disruption of their working and private life. The MIFRS actively participates in Mutual Aid Agreements, training exercises and courses with Fire Departments on the Southern Gulf Islands, Parks Canada and the CRD.
The important considerations for the Improvement District with respect to the operations of the Fire Department are:
The increasing risk to Mayne Island of wildfire damage and destruction; due in part to recent dry summers and in part to the increase in population and building on the island;
The increasing complexity of Fire Protection operations, equipment, regulations, training, building requirements, workers’ safety as well as reporting requirements;
The increasing cost of Fire Protection components such as equipment, clothing, salaries, training, insurance, fuel, etc.; and
The diminishing proportion of permanent residents able and willing to serve as Firefighters.
For more information about MIFRS visit their website at
Mayne Island Health Centre & Medical Evacuation Heliport
Operation of the Mayne Island Health Centre has been a mandated object of the MIID since 1983, though the MIID did not take a significant role prior to 2006.
The Health Centre & Heliport is available to anyone, whether resident or visitor. MIID is responsible to serve only as the landlord for the Health Centre and Heliport and is not involved in providing Health and Emergency Medical Services.
Under an agreement with the Mayne Island Health Centre Association (MIHCA), the MIID operates the Health Centre building as the landlord and the MIHCA manages the delivery of medical and community-health services other than those provided by the Island Health.
Capital Improvements in the years since 2007 have included:
The well pump, water treatment system and the hot water heater have all been replaced.
The plumbing system has been upgraded to ensure that potable water will be supplied at all times and to satisfy VIHA Public Water Standards.
The emergency electrical system is now fully operational and connected to our emergency generator.
The heliport was brought up to Transport Canada requirements.
Roof replaced.
New Furnace HVAC installed.
Completion of the expansion of the Emergency/Treatment Room. MIHCA took the lead on the planning and fundraising for this capital project.
Double-glazing and sound-proofing
Ongoing operating costs:
Cleaning to meet stringent Island Health and Medical requirements
Utilities such as Heating & Lighting
Accounting, collection of tax levy
The doctor pays a commercial rent to the MIID for the use of her offices and examination rooms while Island Health pays rent for their offices. Other income derived from the rentals of the meeting rooms, consulting room and treatment room are collected by the MIHCA for support of their Community Health activities:
The Health Centre is available to the community 7 days a week.
Emergency use doubles in the summer months.
Health Care Professionals use the Health Centre
Many community groups meet at the facility.
Why does the MIID take the responsibility for the Health Centre? Our responses are:
It is part of our mandated responsibilities as per our Letters Patent
It is a vital part of the delivery of normal and emergency medical services to Mayne Islanders and our visitors.
Provincial government legislation does not permit the Province to collect this taxation on our behalf therefore MIID is authorized by way of the Letters Patent to directly bill Mayne Island land owners as a legal and lawful tax.
When you receive your Health Centre & Heliport Tax invoice, please pay promptly so that needed repairs and maintenance can be done without delay.
Garbage Collection and Disposal
MIID is not actively involved in the Garbage Collection and Removal, which was included in the original mandate in 1964.
Garbage Collection and Removal is currently done by independent operator(s). Services are operated on a fee-per-bag basis with the fee being collected by the operators.
Please contact the respective operators for information on their fee schedules and hours of business and collection / drop off days.
Independent garbage collection & drop off site operators provide a fee per bag service, whereby bags of garbage may be collected or dropped off for a fee set by those operators.
The responsibility for correct business licenses, WCB and ICBC coverage and appropriate land use permits, zoning and licenses rests solely with the operator(s), not the MIID.
training house fire - 2009
The Health Centre opened in 1976.
Mayne Island Health Centre (2010)
Medical Evacuation Heliport (2007)
Emergency/Treatment room expansion (2013)
Mayne Island Health Centre (2014)
The HC opened in 1976. In 2007, the Mayne Island Improvement District (MIID) took responsibility for its maintenance and renovation. However, MIHCA continues to manage it.
Related Health Centre Documents:
Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) between the Mayne Island Improvement District (“MIID”) and the Mayne Island Health Centre Association (“MIHCA”)
Mayne Island Heliport - Update 17 January 2006
Heliport Memorandum, 2006