Frequently asked Questions
before submitting a request for access to records under freedom of information and protection of privacy act, please check our frequently asked questions to see if the information has already been provided.
Please check to see if your question has been answered below.

"How can I pay my Health Centre Taxes?"
Posted October 3, 2016
1) By mail: Send cheque or money order to
Mayne Island Improvement District
520 Felix Jack Road,
Mayne Island, BC V0N 2J2
2) Drop off: in MIID drop box at the fire hall at 520 Felix Jack Road - Outside the front door.
3) Pay online through your "bill payment" feature at most financial institutions.
4) By cash: in person at the MIID office at the fire hall, 520 Felix Jack Road.

Request for access to records - February 15, 2010
posted Sept 03 2011
I am requesting the detailed financial statements for 2008 and 2009 of MIID that will include the following:
1) Details of all expenses, to include ingineering, consulting, planning, design, etc. for the proposed fire hall and emergency complex,
2) Costs of training employees and volunteers, including travel costs, etc.
3) Breakdown of capital costs, such as purchase of firefighting equipment such as vehicles, etc.
4) Details of officer and administrative costs,
5) Details of benefits provided to volunteers and / or emplyees, such as medical, dental, life insurances, etc.
6) Details of revenues and expenses, such as from taxes, rent, etc. peraining to the Health Centre,
7) Etc.

Request for access to records - April 28, 2011
posted April 28 2011
I am requesting the benefits paid to all members of the Fire Dept including the administrator of the MIID in detail As TO WHAT All THE BENEFITS CONSIST OF AND WHAT IS THE COST OF THESE BENEFITS FOR EACH person receiving these benefits including the Fire Chief Deputy Chief Miid Administrator. Ie Pensions. Dental Plan, life Insurance. AD&D long term disabilty,extended health, and any other medical plans that MIID Pays for. I am also requesting information on any contracts that are in force with any members named in this request, the start dates and ending dates of these contracts, and any penalties within for terminations. Finally I am requesting annual salaries paid to the following parties for the following years. Fire Chief. Deputy Fire Chief, MIID administrator for 2008,2007,2006,2005,2004, and 2003.

How much does a burning permit cost?

where can I purchase a burning permit?
Burn Permits may be purchased at:
Mayne Island Fire Rescue - 520 Felix Jack Road - 250 539 5156
You must be able to provide your correct address when applying for a burning permit.
If you are unsure of your address numbers, please visit the Mayne Island Fire Rescue to obtain or confirm your correct address numbers.
Please note: ID and confirmation of ownership may be required.

I want to leave my Health Centre Tax Levy at the "free mail" - Will it be collected by the Improvement District?
No. Please mail your Health Centre Tax Levy using regular mail to the address shown on your notice. Your tax payment is a time-sensitive document and pickup prior to due date cannot be guaranteed.
Health Centre Tax Levy may be dropped off at the Administrator's Office at the Fire Hall - upstairs.
Do not send cash in the mail.
Visit our Contact page for details

How do I go about obtaining information from the Mayne Island Improvement District?
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 'request form' available on our privacy page.