Mayne Island Improvement District
The MIID is a board of five elected trustees. It has been established by Letters Patent issued by the Province of British Columbia in 1964 and 1983 through enabling legislation contained in Part 23 of the Local Government Act. The MIID is empowered to levy taxes to support the provisions of fire protection, garbage collection and the operation of the Mayne Island Health Centre "and all matters incidental thereto".
Now Open to the Public
before coming to the office please read the

Latest Posts.

Upcoming Public Meeting Dates:
Board meetings are held monthly in the multipurpose room at the Fire Hall at 1pm. The next Board meeting is:
Sunday, November 22, 10:00 am - AGM
December 8, 1:00 pm
Although these meetings are public, at this time due to the necessary COVID-19 precautions we require an R.S.V.P. if you would like to attend the meeting. To R.S.V.P. either call the office at
250-539-5116 or email ksomerville@mayneid.ca.
Thank you for your cooperation.

2020 AGM - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2020 AT 10 AM
YE 2019 - 56th Annual General Meeting
The Improvement District will hold its Annual General Meeting On November 22 at 10 am at the Fire Hall, 520 Felix Jack Rd. See the advertisement above for more information. At the AGM in November, two (2) Trustees must be elected to serve the term from November 2020 until April 2023.
For further information, please contact the undersigned:
Katherine Somerville,
Corporate Administrative Officer

Closing October 16th at 12pm
Nominations to the Mayne Island Improvement District Board of Trustees are officially open.

Closing October 30th at 12pm
Mayne Island Improvement District (the District) is inviting proposals from qualified contractors for the
janitorial services at the Mayne Island Health Centre.....

Correspondence re: Garbage Services - Islands Trust
November 5th, 2019 - Islands Trust to MIID
November 28th, 2019 - MIID to Islands Trust
March 23rd, 2020 - MIID to Islands Trust
March 24th, 2020 - Islands Trust to MIID

Garbage Collection and Disposal Update
March 21, 2020
In January 2020, the Board resolved to begin the provision of garbage collection and disposal. This was due in part to a letter received from Islands Trust requesting a long-term solution to garbage collection on Mayne Island. We wish to inform the public the District remains intent on providing a permanent solution to garbage collection and disposal.
Since January we have entered into negotiations with the landowner of the only available adequately zoned property on Mayne Island to provide parking for garbage collection vehicles. The terms of this lease have been agreed upon, although the agreement must be formally approved by the Board of Trustees in a public meeting. This is on the agenda of the next special Board meeting April 3rd.
On Thursday March 12th, the Garbage collection and disposal tender opportunity closed. This past week we interviewed for this contract. The successful proponent must be formally approved by the Board before an announcement can be made to the public. This is also on the agenda of the next meeting of the Board.
The Board is cognisant of the fact that we are in difficult times due to COVID-19 and it may not be possible to meet as a Board. If this is the case service will be delayed until sometime after the next Board meeting.

February 21st, 2020
MIID posted a Request for Proposals on BC Bid and Miidonline.com that has now closed. The Board was not satisfied with the response and has therefore decided to amend the Request for Proposals and advertise the revised request next week on BC Bid and miidonline.com. The updated Request for Proposals will be open for no longer than two weeks, after which the Board will provide an update.

Update - Garbage Collecton
January 20, 2020
In November the Mayne Island Improvement District (MIID) received a letter from Islands Trust requesting a long-term solution to garbage collection on Mayne Island. In response to this letter and the current lapse in garbage collection service on island, the District has resolved to begin the provision of garbage collection and disposal as described in the Letters Patent, section 3.
MIID has posted a Request for Proposals on BC Bid and Miidonline.com. In addition to this MIID has entered into lease negotiations with the owner of an appropriately zoned property and intends to provide the successful applicant with 4 parking stalls to park and store their garbage collection vehicles. This action will involve a small parcel tax to all properties on Mayne Island as well as a fee for service for those who use the service. The Board believes this is a reasonable, cost-effective method of taxation to ensure garbage collection is provided on the island.
The successful applicant will be announced at the February 18th public board meeting at the Fire Hall (1pm). We anticipate weekly garbage collection service to be in place shortly thereafter. If you have any questions or concerns please either attend the meeting in person or call the MIID office at 250-539-5116.
Board of Trustees,
Mayne Island Improvement District

Heliport Tree Removal
August 26th, 2019
Mayne Island Improvement District wishes to thank the Beer family for agreeing to the removal of trees located along the Heliport flight path. The removal of these trees on the Beer property beside the Health Centre and Heliport ensures compliance with the Heliport specifications and provides for continued safe Heliport operations.
Thank you Dan & Linda!
MIID Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 3:00
Closed Saturday, Sunday & Statutory Holidays